Ruby Sparks

I watched last week (finally) Ruby Sparks and I loved the movie. Before knowing what the movie was about I was really attracted to it because of the poster. It is so cute and the title of the movie was really appealing (has the word RUBY on it). So I finally watched it and loved it.

The Official Poster (cute, right?)

The Official Poster (cute, right?)

Everyone has an ideal, its part of being a human. Everyone knows what type of person they want to love and to love them back. That´s what people want, but the truth is life does not work that way. We fall in love with unique people and then we try to change them, turning them into our ideal, forgetting what made us fall in love with them in the first place. Continue reading


Big Words for Big Dreams

Big Words for Big Dreams

As always (well, almost always) Anne Shirley was right!

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